Battletech interstellar operations triple processor
Battletech interstellar operations triple processor

battletech interstellar operations triple processor
  1. #Battletech interstellar operations triple processor full#
  2. #Battletech interstellar operations triple processor code#

We've made several significant changes to our internal setup for this release. Dry Technical Stuff (but important for the future of the projects) StratCon has seen a few bugfixes since 0.49.5. These changes are joined by some new death-related Personnel Statuses, the Dates and Other Personnel Table Views, the non-AtB Scenario View has been improved, and there's been a bunch of bug fixes. The Marriage and Divorce Personnel Modules have been merged, adding Random Divorce, Weighted Divorce Surname changes, and a ton of other new options.

battletech interstellar operations triple processor

There's also a ton of new options for pieces added in this swap over, including the new operational status indicators shown in the examples below. MekHQįorce icons have been completely reworked, with the Kailan pack replacing the former MekHQ pack and the graphical components updated to be consistent with Portraits and Camouflage. Lastly, all of the MegaMekLab dependencies have been updated and a few bugs have been fixed. Our goal to keep moving MegaMekLab from the ugly ducking of designers to the premier one. You'll notice big changes to the UI and UIX - showing ammo and max damage on tooltips, tab-based scroll panes, improved readability on the large craft crit tabs, and improvements to the Mech crit display. But Juliez our dev that likes improving look at feel of the programs decided to work on the lab a bit. The lab hasn't had a lot of stuff done in the last couple of years. It still allows for older eras to be played, but with static on you'll see some differences versus older published material. This becomes important to be able to build the Rec Guide units, and any future units CGL produces for the ilClan era. Variable tech level is what we recommend using (enabled in the game options) as it tracks equipment moving from experimental to advanced to common(Tourney legal). Static was based on tech levels circa 3071 we have now moved the static tech levels to 3145. If you weren't aware we have two versions of tech progression built into MegaMek (Static and Variable). We've consolidated the three tables into Megamek updating both our static and variable tech ratings. But officially the tables in TRO Prototypes, and RS NTNU are considered the accurate ones. Previously 100% of our data was based on the Interstellar Operations tables. Starting in this release we've made some changes to tech progression which will impact MegaMekLab and MekHQ. The Blood Stalker SPA has been coded, active probes now reveal hidden units on the move, princess has a new ignore target command, tons of unit fixes and new fluff for units, and lastly Rec Guide 19/20/21 have been added. In addition to the fixes, we have a few new things.

#Battletech interstellar operations triple processor code#

MegaMek has seen a lot of fixes, and a ton of basic internal code cleanup to improve its readability and stability the goal being to find unknown and unreported minor bugs.

#Battletech interstellar operations triple processor full#

For full release notes and download links. This release is also the first one that has seen some testing by our newly created QA team. This release is a nice mixture of suite-wide internal changes, bugfixes, errata, and new MegaMek, MegaMekLab, and MekHQ features. Welcome all to 0.49.6, and Happy New Year!

Battletech interstellar operations triple processor